How to Block Apps on Android for Kids Protection

5:32 PM 0
How to Block Apps on Android for Kids Protection

With the continuous increase of technology, it's hard not to swim with the current. No matter how much we try, sometimes not too dependent on gadgets to educate our children, parents are the first ones to give in to temptation. Fortunately, some apps help parents to implement the strong parental control over their sons of Android devices. Can be also block apps on Android or just acceptable filtering apps.

These applications make sure it's not addictive, what technology has to offer our children. Also maintains safe, they for they of people, which will be the advantages of technology to harm to victims who do not.

Importance of blocking apps on Android

Of course, we want the best for our children at all times. But has to offer you in as much as we want to increase in a world where they can do without the use of devices or mobile devices, personal contacts, we do not deny the benefits of technology. We fear that they may obtain your generation of children at a disadvantage. But at the moment, your son of a mobile device in hand, don't listen to your role as a parent. You know that there are several ways in which your son they of course monitors the interaction so that it can be.

Blocking apps on Android powered device helps your child you filter what is loaded or played on their devices. You have full authority on what is allowed and not. In this way, you ensure that your son approved only apps you or used only in these times, to do this, the right.

Tips how to block or filter apps on Android

There are some ways in which you can lock your apps for Android devices. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  1. The Android OS has your configuration for blocking or filtering apps. Give your child an Android powered device, be sure to be able to create the profile of the user's device. In this way, you are the only person who knows the password to download apps, so you download, every time your child asks for something you will know what it is.
  2. You can also set and filter settings game Google allowed apps for kids on Android devices. You have the option to set the level that is appropriate for your child's age of content filtering.
  3. You can also try, password protection on Google game on, so it requires a password.
  4. There are some apps that lock apps, blocking and filter in your Android device. Although there are unlocked only for some time whether or not the best features, you can try to view the lite version or trial version, download what will work best for you and your children.
  5. Invest in a reliable mobile application, for example, iKeyMonitor, the useful functions like lock apps on Android, filtering and definition of terms, where the application can be used. Not only is a wise investment, but is also known for working well with their children, there are no restrictions, just use controlled.

Always remember that your priority should be the safety and welfare of their children. You can influence the environment, growing, but a little can safely manage and can simply to block apps on Android or the filter, what is considered suitable and safe to use.
Top 6 Data Visualization Tools for Your Business

Top 6 Data Visualization Tools for Your Business

3:15 AM 0
Image By : Pixabay

Big Data puts large amounts of information into the hands of business owners and managers who often can neither quickly process it nor analyze it. As a result, companies often fail to capitalize on valuable insights that could facilitate decision-making and deliver competitive advantages.

Rather than leaving such important resources on the table, companies are embracing data visualization tools that help them put Big Data to practical use. Because people can learn better through what they see, the graphical formatting of data gives companies a way to understand and react to the information they have.

Many software developers have created applications that empower decision makers with fantastic insights that can identify problems and opportunities. Here are six data visualization tools that can help you make sure that Big Data works for you.


Complicated visualization tools can relegate the compilation and analysis of data to technology-savvy individuals, excluding other members of your team. Entrinsik’s Informer supplies your firm with self-service business intelligence tools so that everyone in your company can use them.

Informer uses a web-based drag-and-drop interface to make managing data sources easy. Similarly, graphic reporting is done visually, complete with filters. As a result, a few clicks of a mouse can supply you with multi-dimensional analysis, pivoting and drill down functions.

Official pricing for Informer is not publicly available, but you can get a quote for your company by contacting Entrinsik through their website. A free 30-day trial is available, so you have a chance to see what the software can do for you before you make a commitment. 


Free your decision makers from complicated spreadsheets and traditional databases by giving them iDashboards. The ability to create custom dashboards gives your company the capacity to keep an eye on vital trends and quickly act to resolve problems and capitalize on opportunities. 

Clicking on dashboard elements gives expanded pictures of represented data and the opportunity to drill into its finer details. Automatic synchronization tools in iDashboards ensure that your dashboards and reports always include all available information. 

You can choose between the on-premises and cloud-based versions of iDashboards when you sign up for a free trial of the software. As a starting point, you can get a free limited personal edition.


Looker supplies your organization with SQL modeling that gives your team unlimited options for creating meaningful graphics from your combined data sources, without sacrificing self-service options. The application also uses Git for version control, so multiple people can work together on the same projects. 

Although the emphasis on SQL commands can slow its implementation, Looker’s collaboration tools offer a compelling reason to try the software. Looker works through a web browser, so your mobile and remote workers can contribute to the effort to make Big Data work for you. 

Power BI

Microsoft offers Power BI, a business intelligence tool that can help you make sense of BigData. Both a Windows and cloud-based version are available, although you have access to fewer features through the cloud. 

You can use PowerBI to access more than forty data sources, including those from QuickBooks Online, Google analytics, and your own enterprise streams. Being a Microsoft product, it can easily integrate with Office 365 which makes iPower BI one of the most versatile data visualization tools. 

You can get started with PowerBI by trying the free version. You can also sign up for a demonstration of the professional version and get a price quote from Microsoft. 


Domo has numerous data connectors, giving you some of the broadest opportunities to make data visualization work for your business. The application has visual and command-line tools that give you many options for creating visual reports. 

When you choose Domo, you can share dashboards that present real-time data views that your team can simultaneously use. The application also has collaboration tools that allow multiple users to work together to create and analyze reports. 
Domo maintains an app store that contains plug-ins and utilities that help users customize the software for their environment. 

Zoho Reports

Zoho Reports puts business intelligence at your fingertips using a drag-and-drop interface that makes connecting data sources and creating visualizations an easy process. Small and medium-sized businesses often choose this option because the application offers impressive features at a value price. 

The graphical interface presents a list of workspaces in which users can build their visualizations. Extensive self-service online support together with a free three-day consultation means that you can quickly setup Zoho Reports and stay productive. 

A limited, two-user version of Zoho Reports can be used free of charge.

Final Thoughts

You can use the above six data visualization tools for your business to take advantage of the huge amount of internal and external data that is available to you. As you learn to combine data sources and graphically display them, you will gain new insights into your operation that will help you solve problems and make better business decisions.

Lisa Michaels
How to Quote The Right Price for Project Management?

How to Quote The Right Price for Project Management?

3:05 AM 0

One question always boggles a freelancer’s mind, i.e. if he/she should ask for money by project or by hours.  For sure by hours, he/she would make money in short span. But simultaneously, his/her breathe chokes off until the deadline will meet its end. Apparently, by project charging sounds a better deal. You can stay free of tension to complete your project within the said hours. If not so happens, your work as well as money will go in vain. Besides, time-consumption will also manifest as ‘futile’ while doing that rejected assignment.

Why ‘by project’ quoting is good:

Mostly, freelancers fear whether they will get or not the quoted price of the project management or plan.  Let I disclose the upcoming disaster in this. If you underbid, you have to give up the dream of earning profit. The delivery of your project may hand over you the money less than quoted. Tax charge would add more tears to your grieving heart.

Therefore, starter-ups should have to ask other freelancer friends the prevalent cost of the particular project, say it be Financial and Accounting, Business System Support etc. It would assign you an edge to put what’s the exact cost of your hard work and expertise.

How to make the effect of ‘Underbidding’ negligible:

1. Prepare flexible agreement: 

Write-up an agreement in which flexibility will be present with every term and condition. What if the unseen or untold expenses will have to be endured? Of course, the tiff will begin if neither your client nor you will be agreed to bear the burden of that extra cost. You would have to attempt re-negotiation with the client. And what’s the guarantee that he will nod for sharing that extra cost?Keep your agreement open ended. Clearly mention that the extra expenses will be liable to be matter of resetting the agreement, if occurs.

2. Bid minimum but include hourly surcharges: 

Be tricky. Keep your bidding amount low. Once you win the bid, mention a clause that extra amount shall be charge per hour basis. Thereby, the client will think twice before assigning you extra work. Wow! You have escaped the unexpected cost burden. And if he will ask, you have a golden chance to make your money.  

3. Pre-mention the cost incurred by your client and you separately: 

Pre-fix for what price your client has to pay in return of
hiring your time and expertise. Beyond that, the additional charges will be levied. For instance, if you are preparing project of accounting and reporting, you will get the fixed amount for your expertise but if you file income tax, you will be eligible for getting the cost cover for the same.

4. Make profit in long run: 

Underbidding, undoubtedly, drag you to loss. So, keep a very little margin as profit if you think that the client can be your partner for long run. State it clearly to him that your margin ratio is meager yet you are looking forward for building long term relation.  Do remember, business is a long –running process. You need clientele that can give you freelancing job for long time. And if the client lacks potential of partnering for long, you can adjust the loss with the profit harvesting from other projects.

5. Serve overdose: 

Furnishing a project is quite simple way to bank upon. For making more than enough, serving an overdose of your expertise marks greater impression. Be that overdose perfectly outstanding but make it undeniably useful. Very politely, exhibit its advantages and special features. Acquire the avatar of an impactful seller. Within few words of explanation, the overdose will pay off some extra bucks to you.

James Mark
5 Tips to Create a Bug-Free Mobile App

5 Tips to Create a Bug-Free Mobile App

2:59 AM 0

Mobile app development is a hugely lucrative business and the industry is thriving with thousands of app launches daily on the App Store and Google Play Store. But the success of each app is closely tied with the overall quality of build, the user experience and gratification.

User experience is essentially the sum total of the users’ app interactions. Bearing in mind that mobile users interact with a number of apps daily, are digitally savvy and used to exceeding levels of performance and quality, the least that a new mobile app needs to ensure is an error-free experience. With tight timelines, resource and budget crunch, some developers often cut corners ending up with a sub-par application that fails user expectations and is rejected by the app stores.

What is the secret to building high quality and bug-free mobile apps? We bring you a check-list for maintaining the highest levels of quality assurance throughout your build cycle.                    

1. Beta testing

QA processes should be built into the development cycle right from the get-go. One way is alpha testing – that is when your mobile app undergoes a rigorous in-house testing process carried out by QAs, developers, peers and testers. This usually aims at fixing the more prominent bugs and glitches.

However, it is impossible to replicate every scenario, configuration, test query etc. in-house. This is why you need beta testing.  You could opt for closed beta tests involving a smaller group comprising maybe a few end users, product managers, other internal stakeholders. Or you could also use a larger set of open beta testers to optimize the QA process. It could range anywhere between 1000 and 20,000 valid beta users.

Beta testing has an obvious edge because it lets you validate your concept fast and verify that the app is moving in the right direction. Source your beta testers through multiple, valid channels like Twitter, online forums, Quora, Hacker news, and scores of beta testing forums and websites.

2. Secure apps from the ground up

Security is of utmost concern and importance to ship a compliant app that is not vulnerable to the various threats that abound the cyberspace. Vulnerabilities are often caused by developer errors, failure to test the code adequately, or hacking threats. Test your code for vulnerabilities and run source code scanning. You can encrypt your app code and make it hard to access. Obfuscation and minification are commonly used measures coupled with modern, well supported algorithms and API encryption.

Also protect your customer data by implementing a good mobile encryption policy.

3. Automated testing services

There are a number of automated testing services, tools and forums available online to help you generate detailed reports of your app’s performance. Xamarin Test Cloud, for instance, is one such service that automates app testing on 2,000 real devices in the cloud. It simulates and tests all user actions including gestures and finds performance areas on any OS.

Apart from Xamarin, there are hundreds of tools and websites online that provide a variety of automated tests and make your life easier.

4. Google Analytics

Adding Google Analytics to your app will help you improve the app incrementally with data and performance analysis. You can understand the audience, their characteristics, measure user actions, in-app payments, revenue, and customize your reports to that end. Google Analytics also provide data on app crashes, retention rates and daily active user data.

5. Seek expert testers

You might occasionally need to consult expert testers/app development gurus who have been there and done that. This extra initiative and investment can actually go a long way in building a quality app if you rope in your expert right at the start of the project to iron out any kinks at the concept level. You can liaise with freelance consultants or companies that specialize in such high-level advice and consultancy projects.

For App Store and Play Store success you not only need a bug-free application but also build cross-platform applications that give a great user experience across devices and OS.

You can benefit from professional Xamarin mobile development services to ship native iOS, Android and Windows apps. Do you have any other suggestions for making a high-quality mobile app? Please share your views in the comments section.

5 Ways 3D Printing Will Change the World

5 Ways 3D Printing Will Change the World

11:53 PM 0

3D printing has advanced at a remarkable rate in the past several years. Even though it was invented in the 1908s, the technology has just started becoming a revolutionary form of manufacturing. With its many uses and applications, it has the ability to be implemented in a variety of industries.

Thanks to the low prices and reliable technology, 3D printers are becoming common in small businesses, schools, and even homes. Engineers and scientists continue to expand the possibilities of the technology, developing new materials for printing objects that have a breathtaking potential to change the world. Here are five of the many ways 3D printing will influence the future.

1. Architecture

Construction using “ink” containing building materials such as steel and fiberglass as well as cement and recycled materials can revolutionize the way cities provide housing for the poor. Housing continues to challenge populations around the world as an increasing number of people cannot afford a place to live.

WinSun, a Chinese company, has found a way to use 3D printing technology to “print” affordable housing. The company first demonstrated its capabilities by printing a house in a single day for a cost of just $4,800. Since then, WinSun has printed a five-story apartment building as well as a villa. The company is expected to expand to twenty countries within the next several years, revolutionizing the way people think about construction as architects continue creating new designs.

2. Medicine

Eye-popping developments in the medical industry promise to make new treatments and devices available to you in the near future. Already, 3D printers create inexpensive prosthetics used to serve victims of war in some of the poorest areas of the globe.

Developing 3D technologies promise to deliver the capability of printing exact replacements for human body parts, including bone implants and limbs. Your dentist might soon have the ability to print crowns and replacement teeth on the spot, reducing the time required for dental procedures while improving their quality.

The news that 3D printing technology can save lives shouldn't surprise you. Researchers have already developed 3D printers that create living stem cells, giving them the ability to create tissue and organs that might soon transform the medical transplant industry.

3. Manufacturing

Printing 3D objects has turned the future of the manufacturing industry upside down. Companies can design products and bring them to market in record time using new modeling technologies.

Ove on the most beneficial advantages of 3D printing is the ability to produce customized items.  As a result, many small businesses now have the ability to create specialized products and customize them for individual consumers, opening new opportunities for marketing and sales.

You should expect to see increasingly sophisticated three-dimensional outputs in shapes and structures that you might have thought were impossible to create using printer technologies. Some analysts suggest that the world might enter a new age of industrialization that eliminates factories and assembly lines, replacing them with 3D printers located on customer premises. In such a world, companies might print goods including apparel and toys directly to shoppers’ 3D printers after receiving an online order.

4. Replacement Parts

Engineers have designed 3D printers that can produce parts for everything from airplanes to engines, extending the life of products that otherwise require replacement. If a part of your vacuum cleaner goes bad, for example, you might soon have the option to print out a new component rather than buying a new unit.

A website called Thingiverse already gives you access to more than two thousand replacement parts that you can download and print from your own 3D printer, right from the comfort of your own home. Spare parts for everything from wristwatches to vehicles are now available and give you a glimpse of what the future holds.

5. Cars

Companies have used 3D printers to create vehicle parts for a long time, but they now aim to print entire vehicles. Jim Kor, an inventor, and his engineering team have demonstrated the feasibility of printed vehicles by printing the Urbee 2. Although not ready for everyday use, the three-wheeled, two-passenger car suggests that you will soon think differently about driving. For example, manufacturers will eventually have the ability to create precise designs that introduce new levels of fuel efficiency as well as new lightweight materials that have incredible strength.

Wrapping It Up

3D printing technology will likely make our present world obsolete. New construction techniques promise to make buildings faster and less expensive to build while manufacturing will make mass product customizations possible. At the same time, the widespread availability of replacement parts will extend the life of machines and appliances while 3D printed organs will extend human lifespans. Practically every part of life will change as researchers develop new innovative ways to use 3D printing to improve everyday life.

Lisa Michaels
The History and Future of OPGW Fiber Optic Cable

The History and Future of OPGW Fiber Optic Cable

11:48 PM 0
Image By : SterlitePower

The advent of Optical Fiber Grounding Wire or OPGW revolutionized the electrical as well as the telecommunications industry as it opened the doors for greater efficiency and faster communications. The OPGW fiber optic cable started gaining popularity in the 1980s and is still the preferred grounding wire in many places. The start of the new century saw a boom in the use of OPGW cables and Asia emerged as the largest market for these cables. The success of OPGW (Optical Ground wire cables) cables is due to the fact that these cables offer dual functionality. The primary use of OPGW is that of a grounding cable which shields the overhead lines from lightning and the ability to use the same cable for transmitting data over long distances made it an instant hit with the transmission companies as well as telecom companies. The transmission companies can use these cables for their own need of transmitting data through a secure channel amongst its offices at different locations and they could also lease it out or sell it to telecom companies and generate extra revenue.

The only hurdle which comes in way of leasing or selling the fiber optic line to telecom carriers is the right of way. If the RoW was taken for electrical transmission line then the transmission company cannot sell or lease the same line for other services; this can only be made possible if a separate RoW is taken for telecom or data transfer use. The OPGW fiber optic cable finds favor with the transmission companies just because it provides them with an opportunity to earn extra money from the infrastructure they set up for transmission of electricity. Most of the companies which are in the business of transmission line construction use OPGW cables for grounding. Installation of the OPGW cables is costlier and complex than that of the traditional all metal grounding cables thus we find these cables only in new transmission line constructions and not on the old ones.

Let’s take a look at the benefits for a telecom company which decides to use the OPGW cables of a transmission company.

  • The telecom company does not have to invest time and money on installation of fiber optic line
  •  Saves cost of labor and machinery for laying underground cables
  • Telecom companies can further their reach to areas which were inaccessible due to lack of infrastructure
  • Faster and safer transmission of voice and data
  • Easy fault detection on overhead lines as compared to the underground cables

The transmission companies are trying their best to project the OPGW (Optical Ground wire cables) fiber optic cable as the best solution to the needs of telecom companies in terms of a high-speed secure way of transmitting data, video, and voice. The future of OPGW cables is quite bright as the companies would certainly find more uses of these cables in near future and the growth of telecom industry is bound to increase the demand for these cables in future. Advancement in technology means that we can possibly see much-improved versions of these cables in future which could further enhance the services. The manufacturers are also striving hard to come up with a wider range of products to ensure that they can fulfill the needs of all kinds of telecom and electricity distribution companies. It is only through a constant evaluation of the products and the global standards that they can get to know the scope of improvement in each product they offer. The possibilities for the manufacturers and telecom companies are endless if they can tap the true potential of this excellent product.


7 Cool Projects Around the World Made by Personal 3D Printer

11:45 PM 0
Image By :

      During the last years, numerous innovative technological cools have come into our lives. Starting from the most recent smartphone models, which allow us to work, talk and take pictures basically thanks to the same device, there are plenty of innovative options out there to make your life easier. 3d printers are one of those latest innovations that could help you out with numerous tasks and projects. Numerous designers and architects around the world have used this tool to successfully implement their ultimate dreams. Let's give a look at some of the coolest 3d projects from around the world.

     1. 3D printed car

You might be surprised to read about this one, but in 2014, the first vehicle printed out thanks to 3d printing tools, came out. It literally blew everyones mind. Although the process took some time (but not as much as you can imagine), this was basically considered as one of the breakthroughs in the car industry. The car was 3d printed in about 44 hours and it looks like other plans to print out similar cars are on the way.

      2. 3D printed Van Gogh ear

If you've never been to a Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam or you are not into Van Gogh's art, you might still know that Van Gogh cut off his ear at a certain point of his life. Well, apparently, a contemporary artist teamed up with some scientists to 3d print Van Gogh's ear!

     3. 3D printed castle

Are you a lucky owner of a large backyard? You may want to know this. A large 3d printer has been used to print out a full-sized castle. A perfect setting for a ceremony or just a way to complete your kids playground, this 3d printed is hard not to notice.

     4. 3D printed organs

One of the latest innovations introduced in medicine, is 3d printing. Prominent researchers from around the world have already used 3d printers to print out 3d human organs, including ears or kidneys, and other types of humans tissues. Although, we are still at the early stages and further tests are needed, in the next future, 3d printed organs and tissues may be used for transplantation, considering the lack of suitable organs for many of those in need on trasplant.

     5. 3D printed office building

If you were already surprised by 3d printed cars or castle, then this next project will certainly leave you speechless. We are actually talking about an office building printed thanks to a 3D printer. This five storey gem was printed in sections, but the result is quite impressive.

    6. 3D printed guitar

3D printers can be used in a variety of fields and are currently used by music industry as well. In fact, recently, the first 3d printed guitar has been created. Apart from making the first real working musical instruments, this opens up new opportunities who would like to replicate their idol's instruments, not only guitars, but flutes and all sorts of other music instruments.

    7. 3D printed objects in space

In this case, things have already moved to a new level, or to be more precise to space area. In a nutshell, a 3d printer has already travelled in space on board of a NASA rocket. Isn't it impressive? Who knows, how many great and useful 3d objects can be printed out while travelling around the earth.

As you can see, the options of cool projects you can work on thanks to a personal 3d printer are numerous and almost endless. All you have to do is just have to use your own immagination!

5 Simple Ways to Improve Customer Retention

5 Simple Ways to Improve Customer Retention

2:28 PM 0
The average business loses 10 to 15 percent of its customers each year, which can usually only be countered by finding new customers to make up for that lost income. It’s become a top goal for many companies to reduce those exit rates because that can save a business tremendous time and effort. Since loyal customers are more likely to tell their friends and associates about a brand they believe in, nurturing these customers can help you build your own team of brand ambassadors. But how do you improve retention rates without increasing your staff? Here are a few tips to help.

Become a Trusted Advisor

Many customer-business relationships come from a consulting type of setup. In many instances this means that the customer feels free to call with any questions or concerns. This also means that the business’s team has the expertise necessary to offer ongoing guidance. If a business can work on developing trust with its clients, it will be rewarded with long-term loyalty from a higher percentage of those customers.

Maintain a Comprehensive Database

As your business grows, it will gradually become less and less easy to keep up with every customer. A customer relationship management (CRM) system is perhaps the most dependable way to help you capture purchase histories and personal tidbits on every customer who buys from you. Even a small touch like remembering a customer’s birthday when he calls can make a big difference in creating more return business.

Measure and Correct

Before you can improve retention rates, it’s important to first understand what they are. Learn to monitor and calculate retention rates and use that information to make positive changes. You may be lucky enough to learn that your business loses very few customers each year, which frees you to focus on other things. Even with those few customers, however, you can likely get to the heart of why they’re leaving. Consider sending surveys to customers who have chosen not to continue to do business with you and use those results to improve. This will help you evolve as a business.

Offer a Free Trial

A certain percentage of customers will either cancel or ask for a refund after trying a product or service. To keep churn rates low, however, some brands have found that free trials are a great option, especially for subscription-based services. A free trial gives customers the opportunity to try out a product or service and decide if it’s the right fit before committing to buy. If you have additional services that you can add-on to what a customer has already tried using, then this is your chance to toss those in for free too. Such methods ensure that those customers who do choose to stay on are already sold on the product.

Follow Up

Many businesses put all of their efforts into making the sale, moving on to the next sale once the purchase is complete. This completely disregards the very real existence of buyer’s remorse. Instead of moving on, businesses should follow up with the customer in the weeks following the sale to see if there’s any way they can help. This will show that you’re a business that cares, which means that even if the customer isn’t happy with the item they bought from you, they’ll be more likely to buy something else from you in the future.

Businesses will always see at least a small amount of customer turnover, but the more long-term customers they can win over, the better. If your business wants to reduce its customer attrition, good customer service is the best way to start.

How to Start a Computer Repair Business

2:23 PM 0

There are very few people that don't have computers in this day and age—which means that having certain technical skills, such as the ability to repair or build computers, can be incredibly handy. If you happen to possess such a rare set of skills, then you may be thinking about starting a computer repair business. However, it's important to understand that it takes a lot of work to build a computer repair business from the ground up, which is why you may want to consider investing in a franchise instead.

Computer Repair Startups vs. Computer Repair Franchises

If your want to own and operate a computer repair business, then you've got two options—you can start your own computer repair shop and build it from the ground up, or your become a franchise and become part of a major brand.

Big brands in the computer repair industry are selling the rights to operate under their name to other entrepreneurs. These computer repair franchise opportunities are typically a safer investment from a business point of view. This is because you'll be working with an already established brand—and technically, you won't even have to have any repair skills yourself. You can focus solely on the management side. Of course, you'll have to undergo training to get a basic understanding of the computer repair services you'll be offering, but most companies will offer this to new owners.

However, if you're considering building your own computer repair business, then you'll most likely have to take a much different route to doing so.

Building Your Own Computer Repair Business

The following are some of the tips you'll want to keep in mind when planning your own computer repair business.

  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses - You may have excellent technical skills, but you may lack in business acumen. Or, perhaps you have both, but you lack social skills. All three of these are extremely important when it comes to running your own business. Knowing where your strengths lie ahead of time will allow you to focus on those while knowing what your weaknesses are will give you a chance to figure out how to overcome them.
  • Determine who your customer base is - Computer repair is a very broad service. Having a niche makes it easier to corner that part of the market. For example, you could focus on repairing computer systems for local businesses. Or you could focus on repairing Apple computers. By emphasizing a specialty service, it will make marketing and sales a lot easier.
  • Set your rates properly - If your rates are too high, you'll scare away potential customers. But if they're too low, you may not make enough money. Don't set them low in order to hook new customers either. Once you try to raise those rates, you'll risk losing those customers as well as risk hurting your reputation. Do your research to determine the proper value of your services.
  • Market your business - Running a few ads in the local paper isn't going to cut it. As a startup, you need to invest in marketing to help increase awareness of your business. Focus on digital marketing by setting up a website, creating a social media presence, creating valuable content enriched by SEO keywords and engaging with your customers online. Keep in mind that marketing is something that has to be done on a daily basis for it to be effective.
  • Gather inventory - As a computer repair service, you may want to sell used computers or parts. You'll also want plenty of replacement components that can be used for computer repairs. If you have a specialized service, it will be easier to keep an inventory of the parts you might need. If your inventory is lacking, computer repairs could end up taking a while since you'll have to wait around for parts that you've had to order from other sources.
  • Hire the right staff - You're going to need employees that are both computer savvy and sociable. An employee that can repair any type of computer isn't going to very valuable if they are rude to your customers, after all. Your business could sink or swim based on your staff.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to opening up your own computer repair business. While it's certainly possible, many independent computer repair shops end up failing because their owners are unable to juggle all of these responsibilities effectively. If you want to run a computer repair service, but you don't want the risk involved with building one from the ground up, consider investing in a computer repair franchise instead.

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5 Industries You Should Invest in Now!

2:17 PM 0

Investing in a small business or franchise—or even buying stocks in a company—is a smart way to increase your money. Investing in a business as the owner or a stockholder can result in big returns if the opportunity is right. There is always some level of risk with an investment, so how do you choose where to invest your money?

The good news is that there are a number of industries that are consistently making profits and increasing in size. There is no such thing as a sure thing in investing, but some of these lucrative industries are as close as you can get.

#1 Promotional Products

This $20 billion industry is an integral part of the business-to-business (B2B) market. Selling to other businesses is a great way to make money because businesses invest in products and services that help their customers.

The promotional products industry includes a variety of items that companies can use as rewards and incentives, apparel and uniforms, and swag for customers. Some of the offerings in the promotional products industry include:

Bags and totes
Corporate gifts and service awards
Water bottles
These are just some of the products that a promotional marketing company may sell to its B2B customers.

Opportunities in this field are varied. There are franchise opportunities with established businesses, or you can start your own business. You can even invest in the stock of a business in this huge industry.

#2 Real Estate

Across the world, some of the most wealthy people made their fortunes in real estate. Buying and selling property, primarily in urban areas, can be a real money maker. According to Forbes, 9% of the world's billionaires earned their fortunes buying and selling real estate.

There are a number of ways to profit in the real estate industry. Flipping properties, though difficult, can be incredibly lucrative for someone who knows what they are doing. Some people become real estate agents and make commissions on every home they sell. Still others invest in a rental property or purchase entire complexes to sell or rent.

#3 Finance and Investments

It seems like a no brainer that working in finance is a great way to accumulate wealth. Experts in finance advise others on how to manage and grow their money, so they have the knowledge to help their own finances.

Another piece of this industry involves buying and selling stocks. Learning the ins and outs of the stock market is like learning a different language, but it has proven to be incredibly profitable. Companies that deal in finance and investments make their owners wealthy by making the clients wealthy.

Opportunities in finance and investments can be as simple as buying and selling stocks on your own, investing in a mutual fund or hedge fund company's stock, or becoming a financial advisor for a career.

#4 Technology

Technology is an important part of everyday life, and new technology seems to be hitting the markets every day. Investing in technology does not mean you have to have a great idea for the next big thing. You can invest in the technology industry by buying stocks in an existing company or investing in someone else's good idea.

#5 Food and Dining

It is no secret that Americans love to eat, so the food and dining industry is a good one to invest in. Investment opportunities in this industry are many and varied, including everything from fast food to fine dining.

The restaurant industry is tough to break into, but it can prove to be extremely profitable when it works. Some savvy entrepreneurs start their own restaurants and others buy franchises of existing successes. Either way, putting money into the food and dining industry can be a real moneymaker.

When you are considering investing your hard earned money, make sure to do thorough research on the industry in which you are investing. Always be on the lookout for opportunities that fit your needs, and you can invest in some profitable enterprises.

By :
Source :

Combine SEO & Social Media For Consistent Growth Of Your Business

2:11 PM 0

If you run a business that’s like other businesses, it is possible that most of the groups work in silos. Being a problem in itself, breaking down the silos is quite important. Talking about another big challenge, customers have a natural ad block. It is important to remember that in order to get success, it is important to have that spark which is needed to create authentic conversations with people and knowing moments that actually matter.

Success has four pillars. Discover them in the given discussion:

1. Leading with data

First thing to understand is that exactly people are looking for? Another thing here to know is that besides Google, users have other channels too where they can search for their interests. Some of these platforms are YouTube, Twitter, Facebook Open Graph, Instagram, Amazon and many more. Apart from driving an analytical process, these channels help a business connect with target audience.

2. Creating a content strategy

For a successful strategy, keep following points in mind:

Plan with success as your forte. Make a plan that goes long way and brings rewards.
Track the progress and tune the content building strategies with time.
Invest efforts on channels that help in creating best connections with customers.
Focus on building a dynamic team which is based on the needs of the brands.

3. Leverage relevance and context

Content has three types:

Hero content: Refers to main content which is built keeping in mind the major events.
Hub content: Refers to content that is schedules regularly and aims prime prospects.
Hygiene content: Refers to content that is important got crucial targets.

4. Igniting conversations and amplifying

This is done in four steps:

Assigning a skilled team.
Hiring the best and creative writers.
Having everyone on board with data review.
Keeping up with technology.

5. Experimenting, analyzing & repeating

Make sure to look for opportunities in order to amplify at a moment’s notice:

High organic reach = amplify
Heavy website traffic = amplify
Key cultural moment = amplify
Remember that to succeed gracefully, you must accept your failures, learn from them and start all over again.

Overcome the data gap with social platforms

Looking at the past few years, it has been noticed that Google has started making minimum data that’s available to SEOs. Initially, there was shift to ‘not provided’ and then there was poor quality of information that was available in the keyword planner.

It is obvious that there are differences in the usage of hashtags and keywords. However, the data is naturally language based. All this gives sneak peek into in the terminology that’s used by the people.

Creating the right content

With the help of social media platforms, it becomes easy to know what type of content users are looking for. Though it is possible to look across the popular social sites, forums are also a great way of information. It is good to know that this content that such content is targeted to users.

Finding the right people to target

With social channels, it is aimed to know the type & expectations of audience and track how many of them are engaging. When the content is informative and mixed with effective SEO, hitting the right set of consumers gets easy.

Leveraging Twitter to show in the Google SERPs

Google surely knows which factors to go for when it comes to decide what tweets to index. One such important factor happens to be the number of likes or favorites that a particular tweet gets. It is useful to know that favorites are correlated with indexation than with retweets. Reason? Well, may be because there are many accounts that auto-retweet and makes a retweet quite appear weak.

 Next important factor is the number of followers. This is related with higher indexation and is apt. People who have more fan following get more clicks on their tweets if they show up in the search results. Moving on the other significant factor, it turns out to be having a verified account. This is because having a real identity is important for Google. Looking at the data for people with unverified account, it has been concluded that the indexation of their tweets is close to only about 5 percent.

The most essential point is that to leverage Twitter for getting more shelf space in Google is dependent on few things. Having a verified account is very important. Also, building social authority with time is something that’s necessary. Apart from these, it is required to create tweets that gather majority of attention and compel users to like & retweet them.

Last but not the least; if we focus on overall strategy, it is important to creating one’s own authority with time and ensuring it is verified. For those who don’t have the needed resources, they must go for options that prove helpful. One smart approach is finding and collaborating with an influencer who is interested in the business.

By :
Source :


8:08 PM 0
Pay-per-click is the most effective way to promote the program as possible ClickBank affiliate home business. It is true that some people earn money writing articles, some people make money from SEO. Most of the branches that actually make moneyprimarily through ClickBank, but it is through pay-per-click. Learn the secrets to success in this challenging, but rewarding business.

If you are money on traffic generation, then make sure that you test new products.Select an existing product with a severity score of at least 20 points.

If you're just starting out, then I would recommend the products in the range of severity of 20-50 is a very good place to start. The products in the range of 150 + gravity should be avoided until you familiarize yourself more with the PPC.

Looking for the best home business ideas can be complicated and many people are afraid of advertising of products that are "more than saturated." The reality is that you can tap into markets, even though she is saturated. "

# 2-trying to find the secret original angle

Do not try to bid on terms like "weight loss", will use this only your PPC budget usually very quickly. Why not think in "racing Tips offer?" or "Mats"?

Try if you can search for keywords on page one for under $ $,20 cents per click, you can. You must get tons of traffic can, through main keywords in less competitive markets. Unfortunately you have to more competitive markets, to be creative.

Comes from a different angle. People looking for the same, offering your product, but you can type in the search to find what you think they are in another keyword.

Secret # 3-careful monitoring

It's a little known secret in PPC affiliate marketing in the area of home business, thatalmost every victorious campaigns begin to lose to such campaigns. If you spend $100 and only $60, which is actually a winner back. Let me explain, continue reading.

From this starting point, you optimize your ads and landing pages to increase continuously your CTR (clickthrough rate) and conversion rates. Will cost you $300 at first, but after the tests first you need a campaign that can bring you hundreds of dollars per month on complete autopilot.

The best home business ideas with ClickBank is not as hard as it sounds, finding should be that you keep things simple, if you are starting. All super affiliate is thoroughly testing their campaigns. Control everything on a level by keyword. Use only one keyword per ad group and write a unique ad for each keyword.

Secret # 4-various PPC networks

Start the test with Google AdWords only. This means that no content network and networks without a partner.

Note converting traffic only on Google. If you are profitable, then expand your partner network.

From this point, you can mirror your MSM ad Center and search marketing Yahoo!.

Only if you have configured these campaigns, you should experiment with contentnetwork. Content network comes last, because traffic is minimal and tends to convert the worst.

In short

The best home business ideas need good planning and if you choose a ClickBank product with a good pay rate and conversion, see promotion of unique angles, continuously monitor and test it, starting with AdWords and expanding from there, then you have a very solid chance to build a great campaign of PCC.

10 Best and Biggest Bitcoin Mining Pools 2017

12:10 AM 0
What is a Mining Bitcoin pool?
Mining pools are groups of cooperating miners who agree to share block rewards in proportion to their contributed mining hashing power.

While mining pools are desirable to the average miner as they smooth out rewards and make them more predictable, they unfortunately concentrate power to the mining pool’s owner.

Miners can, however, choose to redirect their hashing power to a different mining pool at anytime.

Get a Bitcoin Wallet and Mining Software

Before you join a mining pool you will also need Bitcoin mining software and a Bitcoin wallet.

The Biggest Mining Pools

The list below details the biggest Bitcoin mining pools. This is based on info from Blockchain’s pool share chart:

1. AntPool

Antpool is a Chinese based mining pool, maintained by BitMain. Antpool mines about 15% of all blocks.

2. DiscusFish/F2Pool

DiscusFish, also known as F2Pool, is based in China. DiscusFish has mined about 12% of all blocks over the past six months.

3. BitFury Pool

BitFury is one of the largest producers of Bitcoin mining hardware and chips.
BitFury currently mines about 12% of all bitcoins in three data centers across Georgia.
It’s a private pool and can’t be joined.


BTCC is China’s third largest Bitcoin exchange. Its mining pool currently mines about 7% of all blocks.

5. ViaBTC

ViaBTC is a somewhat new mining pool that has been around for about one year.

6. BW Pool

BW, established in 2014, is another mining company based in China. It currently mines about 8% of all blocks.

7. BTC.Top is another new pool. It does not appear to have a website, so it may be a prviate pool.

8. Slush

Slush was the first mining pool and currently mines about 6% of all blocks.
Slush is probably one of the best and most popular mining pools despite not being one of the largest.

9. Bitclub.Network

Bitclub Network is a large mining pool but appears to be somewhat shady. We recommend staying away from this pool.

10. GBMiners

GBMiners is another somewhat shady pool that should probably not be joined.

Which Countries Mine the most Bitcoins?

Bitcoin mining tends to gravitate towards countries with cheap electricity.

As Bitcoin mining is somewhat centralized, 10-15 mining companies have claimed the vast majority of network hash power.

With many of these companies in the same country, only a number of countries mine and export a significant amount of bitcoins.


China mines the most bitcoins and therefore ends up “exporting” the most bitcoins.

Electricity in China is very cheap and has allowed Chinese Bitcoin miners to gain a very large percentage of Bitcoin’s hash power.

It’s rumored that some Chinese power companies point their excess energy towards Bitcoin mining facilities so that no energy goes to waste.

China is home to many of the top Bitcoin mining companies:

F2Pool, AntPool, BTCC, and BW.

It’s estimated that these mining pools own somewhere around 60% of Bitcoins hash power, meaning they mine about 60% of all new bitcoins.


Georgia is home to BitFury, one of the largest producers of Bitcoin mining hardware and chips. BitFury currently mines about 15% of all bitcoins.


Sweden is home to KnCMiner, a Bitcoin mining company based in Stockholm. KnCMiner currently mines about 7.5% of all bitcoins.


The US is home to 21 Inc., a Bitcoin mining company based in California.

21 runs a large amount of miners, but also sells low powered bitcoin miners as part of their 21 Bitcoin computer.

Most of the hash power from the 21 Bitcoin computers is pointed towards 21’s mining pool. 21 Inc. mines about 3% of all bitcoins.

Other Countries

The countries above mine about 80% of all bitcoins.

The rest of the hash power is spread across the rest of the world, often pointed at smaller mining pools like Slush (Czech Republic) and Eligius (US).

A Note on Pools

While we can see which mining pools are the largest, it’s important to understand that the hash power pointed towards a mining pool isn’t necessarily owned by the mining pool itself.

There are a few cases, like with BitFury and KnCMiner, where the company itself runs the mining operation but doesn’t run a mining pool.

Bitcoin miners can switch mining pools easily by routing their hash power to a different pool, so the market share of pools is constantly changing.

To make the list of top 10 miners, we looked at blocks found over the past 6 months using data from BlockTrail.

The size of mining pools is constantly changing. We will do our best to keep this posted up-to-date.


If you cloud mine then you don’t need to select a pool; the cloud mining company does this automatically.

Why are Miners Important?

Bitcoin miners are crucial to Bitcoin and its security. Without miners, Bitcoin would be vulnerable and easy to attack.

Get this:

Most Bitcoin users don’t mine.

However, miners are responsible for the creation of all new bitcoins and a fascinating part of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Mining, once done on the average home computer, is now mostly done in large, specialized warehouses with massive amounts of mining hardware.

These warehouses usually direct their hashing power towards mining pools.
Actually Make Money Online

Actually Make Money Online

10:44 PM 1
How many articles are there to make money online? Thousands? Milhões? Enough?Likely. But there is a problem. Many of them are just sellers to convince some seminar, webinar, training or otherwise, become an online millionaire.

You really give money online earn a bad reputation. But is it possible to make money online. I mean, people sell all those shots of millionaire, actually win?

There are legitimate ways to make money online. The problem is that the real opportunities, money for "Rico".
Most of them require a lot of work and sometimes very much dedication, before getting a return on your time. 

But if you really want to make money online, working from home or make an idea into a business to do, you can do it. If you want the car is not up to the computer, you can make money even with apps.

I'll tell you about all kinds of legitimate ways to make money online. While we're regular jobs, you must be ... well, legit. Many of these options are real jobs where to sitif you want to be paid in hours. They require actual work. Here are a few tips to work actually obtain:

Take it seriously. Yes, you're a job application online. Yes, you can do the job in his underwear, but that doesn't mean it isn't a "real job". They need him as such to handle or they're not going to treat it as a serious contender. You're not the only one who wants to work in their underwear. In fact, the online competition is likely higher than is in your local area.
Be professional. If you send a resume, don't give in capital letters and avoid pleaseno caps lock like the plague. You know without looking incompetent to use. Write in complete sentences with correct grammar. Of course, there are exceptions, but also with the exceptions, you must hold professionals. They build their opinions aboutyou.
Give him some, but not all. If you provide samples of work available, a photographyportfolio or links to your work give you enough examples come to mind, but not so many that do not even know where to start. And while we're at it, some of their background information, but don't tell your life story.
Check yourself before you double up wreckage. Make sure everything you send to a company if a curriculum vitae, an email or a portfolio is good to go. Check grammar and wording and use the spell checker, for the love of God! This is particularly important when it comes to the name of the company. Your wrong spell name and don'tgive it as type (e.g. problogger, not bloggers).

1. Website That Paying

Continue to let this out of the way and we. There are all kinds of sites that you pay for things such as shopping, participating in research or testing products. No, I'm not being paid to promote this and do a millionaire, not these sites in the future, but they are ideal to earn some extra money. I'll omit the fraud.
Here are some legitimate sites, the numbers:
Swagbucks-Swagbucks is ideal to earn some extra money. You can make a variety of things, from the participation in surveys than with your search engine. You're not Rico, but you will earn a few dollars. If you spend the time to kill, you can earn some extra money, instead of surfing the Internet.
InboxDollars-similar to InboxDollars Swagbucks, because you go to the polls, shopping, etc., so if you want to maximize your return, sign, with two sites. They also offera search engine that pays you (like Swagbucks) and you receive $5 by signing up. I will no longer listed on search sites list, but if you get paid surveys, also check out I want E-poll surveys GlobalTestMarket and research Club.
Project Payday-project payday is one of the sites that received testimonials from people who have earned thousands of dollars through paid trial offers. I don't say, youget the thousands, but it's real and you can earn some extra money. You're going toassume that by numbers that you like a free trial to make any product and buy it orforget, try to cancel and is invoiced. If you can maintain, monitor and cancel beforeyou be charged (if you do not want the product), so this is a great site for earning money.
User tests
18 Internet Business Ideas To Make Money Online

18 Internet Business Ideas To Make Money Online

11:47 AM 0
Starting up a business is by no means an easy task. If you want to learn how to make money online, you need to have good business ideas, but you also need a great marketing plan. The good news is with a domain and hosting, alongside some basic skills, your ideas can become a reality. Each of the internet business ideas below are competitive niches, so make sure you go in with all guns blazing!

Last year I made $172,000 online, I’ll show you exactly how I did it HERE.

Online Business Get Make Money Online

1. Become an affiliate

Learning how to earn money online as an affiliate isn’t easy. But there are lots of people worldwide that are making over $1,000,000 a year doing it. Most will not be a successful unless they have some formal help and training. Affiliate stores are web stores where people purchase items on a site, but through a third party.

Amazon is one of the most popular affiliate programs in the world, but it really shouldn’t be considering the commissions are so low! It’s not just Amazon that you can affiliate with; there are 1,000 affiliate programs to choose from. Although Amazon can be lucrative, there are some much better options out there, allowing affiliates to earn up to 75% commission in some cases! Work in your own time

Build multiple sites
  • Work in your own time
  • Focus on product niches that you have an interest in!
  • Example

Affilorama is a great resource for anyone looking at starting their journey in affiliate marketing. The email marketer’s best friend is their email list; you have to have an email list! I use Aweber to collect subscribers.

2. Start an ecommerce store

At the forefront of the internet revolution has been ecommerce stores. Nowadays you can get an easy to use, fully functional ecommerce store design for as little as £500; then you just need a domain and hosting. Of course, how much you profit depends on your methods and effectiveness of marketing which might include:

Print media

  • PPC (pay-per-click)
  • SEO (search engine optimisation)
  • Networking
  • Event sponsorship
  • The list goes on…!
  • SaleHoo is a great resource when it comes to finding suppliers and learning how to sell online!

Example – Zappos

You might not have even heard of Zappos, an online shoe store. Well, that goes to show how big the internet really is and how big your online business could be. Maybe it might even come to close to the acquisition of Zappos by Amazon for a reported $900,000,000.

3. Earn Cash From Blogging

Starting a blog isn’t as hard as you think. All you need is hosting and a domain. To make money online from a blog you need to gain large amounts of traffic from a specific niche. See how I do it here. You can earn cash using:

  • Selling banner advertisements
  • Affiliating to sites such as Amazon & eBay (see #2)
  • Offer premium services or member areas
  • Example – TechCrunch

TechCrunch is a popular Web 2.0 blog and makes a reported $200,000 per month. Originally started by Michael Arrington, it was eventually acquired by AOL for a reported $25,000,000. There is money to be made by blogging and it’s cheap one of the cheap and easy home based businesses to get started with.

4. Sell on eBay

Selling on eBay successfully is not easy. You need to be able to able to target a niche where the profit margins are high and competition is low. If you pick the right product (particularly unbranded products) you have a chance to import items and make huge profit margins. SaleHoo is awesome for finding suppliers.

Example – Linda’s Stuff

There are some extremely large sellers on eBay. Take “Linda’s Stuff” as an example, with around 150,000 items online and nearly 350,000 confirmed sales.

5. Train and mentor

Perhaps you have a specific skill set that you could teach. There are hundreds of skills that can be taught over the internet, especially due to the fact that services like Skype are free.

You might have to offer a free service now and build a freemium model (offer free accounts with limited features, then charge for upgrades) for the future in order to make some large amounts of cash. It’s one of the good business ideas for those with extensive amounts of knowledge. You could:

Teach a language
  • Offer marketing training
  • Help improve writing skills
  • And more!
  • Example – Code Academy

Although it is only in the early stages Code Academy is going to be one of those online training centres that really stands out from the crowd. More than one investor has seen the potential that is has with the Academy getting over $12.5m in investment within the first 12 months, including investments from Richard Branson and Yuri Milner.

6. Become a drop shipper

Drop shipping is fairly similar to running an affiliate store. You act as the mediator without ever touching the product. The difference between a drop shipper and affiliate is that the sale with drop shipping websites is not completely managed. You might have to set up systems to automatically make a purchase with your drop shipping company, in order for it to be sent directly to the end consumer.

Example – iPhoneStore

There was a sale confirmed on Flippa a few years ago for It was producing nearly $30,000 in revenue every month and sold for $90,000.

7. Paid blogging

With over 350,000,000 websites on the internet, there is a huge demand for content. If you have experience or skills relating to writing, offering a blog posting service could be for you. Lower paid projects might start at around £1 per 100 words, with quality focused projects being in the £2.50-10 per 100 words range. Sites like People Per Hour and Elance are great for picking up paid writing gigs, without actually having a website.

You can get my 5 step guide to making $172,000 in 12 months for free here.

Example – Vibe Tech Media

You’ll notice my bio at the end of the article, as well as details on the homepage.  I make a full time income from blogging for digital marketing agencies. I get leads thanks to my simple landing page.

8. Become a virtual assistant

A virtual assistant is a great job to have if you want flexibility. You’ll be able to maintain multiple clients at once which mean you can easily fill gaps in your week or work overtime if you need to. A virtual assistant will generally charge £15-20 depending on the specifics of their job role. Expect to be assisting with tasks such as blogger outreach, product listings, research and responding to emails.

Example – HM Virtual Assistant

Check out the story of a Mother that managed to fit her work around being a parent here.

9. Offer web design

Nearly every company is now looking to build a website. In fact, even those companies that have a website are looking to make sure that theirs looks bigger and better than the competition. You can learn how to earn money from home with practically no investment and this is certainly one of the best business ideas for someone wanting huge amounts of flexibility.

You can learn the basics of coding on CodeAcademy and do specific online web design courses to build up your skill set. Sign up to freelance sites such as People Per Hour and start building up your portfolio! This portfolio might even lead you into a high paid job!

Example – City College Brighton

Many of the students from City College Brighton have gone on to be successful freelance web designers, and you could do the same!

10. Deal in domains

You’ve heard of antique dealers and even car dealers, but what about dealing in domains? Domains are internet real estate and like real estate they could be considered as an investment. Don’t just buy any domains, spread your risk with a portfolio and make sure you hold out for the highest price possible.

Learning how to connect with the end consumer, rather than other domain dealers, will enable you to get the highest price possible for your domains.

Example –

If you are not familiar with some of the prices that domains have been sold for, then the all time list here is worth looking out. Checkout, which went for $9,500,000! One of the highest domain sales back in 2012 was which sold for $875,000.

11. Outsource

How about setting up a business that focuses on outsourcing? Most successful service providers on the internet find that they need external help at some point. They might have a blogging client that requires logo design. They might have a guest posting service client that needs web design . Instead of actually providing the services personally, you could outsource and take a profit margin of your choice! Make sure you learn how to outsource first!

Example –

Copify is an example of a company that uses outsourcing. They source writers and they source clients. They connect the dots to create an online business deal and take their profit margin.

12. Trade currencies

Every day, there is a huge fluctuation in FX markets. If you have a combination of technical and fundamental analytical skills and some cash flow, you can become an online currency trader. Places like are great for learning the basics. Remember, this is leveraged cash, so if you make the right decisions, you have a chance to profit big! At the same time, the risks can be high if you don’t have a money management strategy in place.

Example – Bill Lipschutz

Bill Lipschutz is considered to be one of the best FX investors of all time.

13. Build apps

Again, CodeAcademy will give you good grounding in coding languages. Expect to train for 12 months before being able to build apps that are going to achieve lots of sales. There are a few options when it comes to building apps…

Bespoke basis for clients

  • Sell based on a fixed fee (multiple licenses)
  • Charge a monthly fee
  • Example – Summly

Looking to hit the jackpot? Checkout this recent acquisition by Yahoo! to buyout Summly for $30,000,000…from a 17 year old!

14. Offer telemarketing

Telemarketing services are great for appointment setting as well as creating warm leads. More and more companies are looking to outsource their marketing efforts and this is where you could fit in. Telemarketers charge £15-30 per hour depending on the size and type of operation.

Example – DM Concepts

DM Concepts is a telemarketing company that has managed to achieve some fantastic statistics. The higher quality the service you offer, the more you are going to be able to charge!

15. Create videos

UK spend on online video has seen 13.5% year on year growth, and now exceeds spend on TV advertising.  (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) Hundreds of statistics like this have meant that businesses have to produce videos. Well, they don’t have to, but if they don’t, they are going to be missing out. Video platforms are just another avenue to acquire potential consumers. You can offer video packages from £50-5,000 and beyond. Select your target market and market to them effectively.

Example – Old Spice

If you can couple video production with the ability to be creative, you can make videos go viral. If you can do that, your £500 video is going to be worth £5,000 or even £50,000 to a client. Checkout the results from the Old Spice video campaign!

16. Manage social media profiles

Social media is an important part of any online business. The problem? Time! Most business owners simply don’t have the time to be involved with Twitter, LinkedIn, Face Book and other sites, in a pro-active way. That is where you can help.

If you can engage clients and build up attractive social media profiles, then you will be able to attract clients, which makes this a service with value. Again, these projects are posted on freelance sites such as People Per Hour and Elance on a regular basis, so you can start building up clients straight away! Check out these amazing statistics for LinkedIn!

Example – Clorox Bleach

If you can consistently provide companies with successful social media campaigns and improve their profiles, they will pay. Clorox Bleach had some huge success with one of their recent social media campaigns.

17. Create valuable resources

The sites that hold the most value on the web hold the most valuable content. Face Book holds information about what hundreds of millions of users. YouTube possess millions of funny, educational and controversial videos. If you can create a website that focuses on offering valuable resources, then you just might be onto a winner.

Remember, you can offer the freemium model mentioned previously if there is no scope to achieve high advertising revenue. You could even be teaching others how to make money online, while doing exactly the same thing for yourself!

Example – Shopify

Shopify is a great example of the freemium model. By offering some applications for free, they get exposure for their whole business. Since the company was founded in 2004, they have acquired 30,000 customers, including Pixar and the Foo Fighters. Their revolutionary “build-a-business” competitions in the past have produced over $70,000,000 in revenue for over 14,000 entrants.

18. Translate

There are over 300,000 translators in the world for a reason; they are needed. In a world where more and more companies are using outsourcing, those that speak other languages are indispensable. Whether you are negotiating deals for an import-export agent or replying to company emails, there is work out there.

There are opportunities to work part time with small companies by networking on freelance sites, or to set up professional translation services using remote call centres and Skype.

Example – Cloudwords

Cloudwords is one of the many companies that is taking advantage of the $30billion that is spent worldwide on translation related products or services.This is one of the more complex work from home ideas out there, simply because from day 1, it’s likely clients will be small to medium sized businesses trying to negotiate deals abroad. The market it is there, now you just need to find your niche.