How to Block Apps on Android for Kids Protection

5:32 PM 0
How to Block Apps on Android for Kids Protection

With the continuous increase of technology, it's hard not to swim with the current. No matter how much we try, sometimes not too dependent on gadgets to educate our children, parents are the first ones to give in to temptation. Fortunately, some apps help parents to implement the strong parental control over their sons of Android devices. Can be also block apps on Android or just acceptable filtering apps.

These applications make sure it's not addictive, what technology has to offer our children. Also maintains safe, they for they of people, which will be the advantages of technology to harm to victims who do not.

Importance of blocking apps on Android

Of course, we want the best for our children at all times. But has to offer you in as much as we want to increase in a world where they can do without the use of devices or mobile devices, personal contacts, we do not deny the benefits of technology. We fear that they may obtain your generation of children at a disadvantage. But at the moment, your son of a mobile device in hand, don't listen to your role as a parent. You know that there are several ways in which your son they of course monitors the interaction so that it can be.

Blocking apps on Android powered device helps your child you filter what is loaded or played on their devices. You have full authority on what is allowed and not. In this way, you ensure that your son approved only apps you or used only in these times, to do this, the right.

Tips how to block or filter apps on Android

There are some ways in which you can lock your apps for Android devices. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  1. The Android OS has your configuration for blocking or filtering apps. Give your child an Android powered device, be sure to be able to create the profile of the user's device. In this way, you are the only person who knows the password to download apps, so you download, every time your child asks for something you will know what it is.
  2. You can also set and filter settings game Google allowed apps for kids on Android devices. You have the option to set the level that is appropriate for your child's age of content filtering.
  3. You can also try, password protection on Google game on, so it requires a password.
  4. There are some apps that lock apps, blocking and filter in your Android device. Although there are unlocked only for some time whether or not the best features, you can try to view the lite version or trial version, download what will work best for you and your children.
  5. Invest in a reliable mobile application, for example, iKeyMonitor, the useful functions like lock apps on Android, filtering and definition of terms, where the application can be used. Not only is a wise investment, but is also known for working well with their children, there are no restrictions, just use controlled.

Always remember that your priority should be the safety and welfare of their children. You can influence the environment, growing, but a little can safely manage and can simply to block apps on Android or the filter, what is considered suitable and safe to use.
Top 6 Data Visualization Tools for Your Business

Top 6 Data Visualization Tools for Your Business

3:15 AM 0
Image By : Pixabay

Big Data puts large amounts of information into the hands of business owners and managers who often can neither quickly process it nor analyze it. As a result, companies often fail to capitalize on valuable insights that could facilitate decision-making and deliver competitive advantages.

Rather than leaving such important resources on the table, companies are embracing data visualization tools that help them put Big Data to practical use. Because people can learn better through what they see, the graphical formatting of data gives companies a way to understand and react to the information they have.

Many software developers have created applications that empower decision makers with fantastic insights that can identify problems and opportunities. Here are six data visualization tools that can help you make sure that Big Data works for you.


Complicated visualization tools can relegate the compilation and analysis of data to technology-savvy individuals, excluding other members of your team. Entrinsik’s Informer supplies your firm with self-service business intelligence tools so that everyone in your company can use them.

Informer uses a web-based drag-and-drop interface to make managing data sources easy. Similarly, graphic reporting is done visually, complete with filters. As a result, a few clicks of a mouse can supply you with multi-dimensional analysis, pivoting and drill down functions.

Official pricing for Informer is not publicly available, but you can get a quote for your company by contacting Entrinsik through their website. A free 30-day trial is available, so you have a chance to see what the software can do for you before you make a commitment. 


Free your decision makers from complicated spreadsheets and traditional databases by giving them iDashboards. The ability to create custom dashboards gives your company the capacity to keep an eye on vital trends and quickly act to resolve problems and capitalize on opportunities. 

Clicking on dashboard elements gives expanded pictures of represented data and the opportunity to drill into its finer details. Automatic synchronization tools in iDashboards ensure that your dashboards and reports always include all available information. 

You can choose between the on-premises and cloud-based versions of iDashboards when you sign up for a free trial of the software. As a starting point, you can get a free limited personal edition.


Looker supplies your organization with SQL modeling that gives your team unlimited options for creating meaningful graphics from your combined data sources, without sacrificing self-service options. The application also uses Git for version control, so multiple people can work together on the same projects. 

Although the emphasis on SQL commands can slow its implementation, Looker’s collaboration tools offer a compelling reason to try the software. Looker works through a web browser, so your mobile and remote workers can contribute to the effort to make Big Data work for you. 

Power BI

Microsoft offers Power BI, a business intelligence tool that can help you make sense of BigData. Both a Windows and cloud-based version are available, although you have access to fewer features through the cloud. 

You can use PowerBI to access more than forty data sources, including those from QuickBooks Online, Google analytics, and your own enterprise streams. Being a Microsoft product, it can easily integrate with Office 365 which makes iPower BI one of the most versatile data visualization tools. 

You can get started with PowerBI by trying the free version. You can also sign up for a demonstration of the professional version and get a price quote from Microsoft. 


Domo has numerous data connectors, giving you some of the broadest opportunities to make data visualization work for your business. The application has visual and command-line tools that give you many options for creating visual reports. 

When you choose Domo, you can share dashboards that present real-time data views that your team can simultaneously use. The application also has collaboration tools that allow multiple users to work together to create and analyze reports. 
Domo maintains an app store that contains plug-ins and utilities that help users customize the software for their environment. 

Zoho Reports

Zoho Reports puts business intelligence at your fingertips using a drag-and-drop interface that makes connecting data sources and creating visualizations an easy process. Small and medium-sized businesses often choose this option because the application offers impressive features at a value price. 

The graphical interface presents a list of workspaces in which users can build their visualizations. Extensive self-service online support together with a free three-day consultation means that you can quickly setup Zoho Reports and stay productive. 

A limited, two-user version of Zoho Reports can be used free of charge.

Final Thoughts

You can use the above six data visualization tools for your business to take advantage of the huge amount of internal and external data that is available to you. As you learn to combine data sources and graphically display them, you will gain new insights into your operation that will help you solve problems and make better business decisions.

Lisa Michaels
How to Quote The Right Price for Project Management?

How to Quote The Right Price for Project Management?

3:05 AM 0

One question always boggles a freelancer’s mind, i.e. if he/she should ask for money by project or by hours.  For sure by hours, he/she would make money in short span. But simultaneously, his/her breathe chokes off until the deadline will meet its end. Apparently, by project charging sounds a better deal. You can stay free of tension to complete your project within the said hours. If not so happens, your work as well as money will go in vain. Besides, time-consumption will also manifest as ‘futile’ while doing that rejected assignment.

Why ‘by project’ quoting is good:

Mostly, freelancers fear whether they will get or not the quoted price of the project management or plan.  Let I disclose the upcoming disaster in this. If you underbid, you have to give up the dream of earning profit. The delivery of your project may hand over you the money less than quoted. Tax charge would add more tears to your grieving heart.

Therefore, starter-ups should have to ask other freelancer friends the prevalent cost of the particular project, say it be Financial and Accounting, Business System Support etc. It would assign you an edge to put what’s the exact cost of your hard work and expertise.

How to make the effect of ‘Underbidding’ negligible:

1. Prepare flexible agreement: 

Write-up an agreement in which flexibility will be present with every term and condition. What if the unseen or untold expenses will have to be endured? Of course, the tiff will begin if neither your client nor you will be agreed to bear the burden of that extra cost. You would have to attempt re-negotiation with the client. And what’s the guarantee that he will nod for sharing that extra cost?Keep your agreement open ended. Clearly mention that the extra expenses will be liable to be matter of resetting the agreement, if occurs.

2. Bid minimum but include hourly surcharges: 

Be tricky. Keep your bidding amount low. Once you win the bid, mention a clause that extra amount shall be charge per hour basis. Thereby, the client will think twice before assigning you extra work. Wow! You have escaped the unexpected cost burden. And if he will ask, you have a golden chance to make your money.  

3. Pre-mention the cost incurred by your client and you separately: 

Pre-fix for what price your client has to pay in return of
hiring your time and expertise. Beyond that, the additional charges will be levied. For instance, if you are preparing project of accounting and reporting, you will get the fixed amount for your expertise but if you file income tax, you will be eligible for getting the cost cover for the same.

4. Make profit in long run: 

Underbidding, undoubtedly, drag you to loss. So, keep a very little margin as profit if you think that the client can be your partner for long run. State it clearly to him that your margin ratio is meager yet you are looking forward for building long term relation.  Do remember, business is a long –running process. You need clientele that can give you freelancing job for long time. And if the client lacks potential of partnering for long, you can adjust the loss with the profit harvesting from other projects.

5. Serve overdose: 

Furnishing a project is quite simple way to bank upon. For making more than enough, serving an overdose of your expertise marks greater impression. Be that overdose perfectly outstanding but make it undeniably useful. Very politely, exhibit its advantages and special features. Acquire the avatar of an impactful seller. Within few words of explanation, the overdose will pay off some extra bucks to you.

James Mark
5 Tips to Create a Bug-Free Mobile App

5 Tips to Create a Bug-Free Mobile App

2:59 AM 0

Mobile app development is a hugely lucrative business and the industry is thriving with thousands of app launches daily on the App Store and Google Play Store. But the success of each app is closely tied with the overall quality of build, the user experience and gratification.

User experience is essentially the sum total of the users’ app interactions. Bearing in mind that mobile users interact with a number of apps daily, are digitally savvy and used to exceeding levels of performance and quality, the least that a new mobile app needs to ensure is an error-free experience. With tight timelines, resource and budget crunch, some developers often cut corners ending up with a sub-par application that fails user expectations and is rejected by the app stores.

What is the secret to building high quality and bug-free mobile apps? We bring you a check-list for maintaining the highest levels of quality assurance throughout your build cycle.                    

1. Beta testing

QA processes should be built into the development cycle right from the get-go. One way is alpha testing – that is when your mobile app undergoes a rigorous in-house testing process carried out by QAs, developers, peers and testers. This usually aims at fixing the more prominent bugs and glitches.

However, it is impossible to replicate every scenario, configuration, test query etc. in-house. This is why you need beta testing.  You could opt for closed beta tests involving a smaller group comprising maybe a few end users, product managers, other internal stakeholders. Or you could also use a larger set of open beta testers to optimize the QA process. It could range anywhere between 1000 and 20,000 valid beta users.

Beta testing has an obvious edge because it lets you validate your concept fast and verify that the app is moving in the right direction. Source your beta testers through multiple, valid channels like Twitter, online forums, Quora, Hacker news, and scores of beta testing forums and websites.

2. Secure apps from the ground up

Security is of utmost concern and importance to ship a compliant app that is not vulnerable to the various threats that abound the cyberspace. Vulnerabilities are often caused by developer errors, failure to test the code adequately, or hacking threats. Test your code for vulnerabilities and run source code scanning. You can encrypt your app code and make it hard to access. Obfuscation and minification are commonly used measures coupled with modern, well supported algorithms and API encryption.

Also protect your customer data by implementing a good mobile encryption policy.

3. Automated testing services

There are a number of automated testing services, tools and forums available online to help you generate detailed reports of your app’s performance. Xamarin Test Cloud, for instance, is one such service that automates app testing on 2,000 real devices in the cloud. It simulates and tests all user actions including gestures and finds performance areas on any OS.

Apart from Xamarin, there are hundreds of tools and websites online that provide a variety of automated tests and make your life easier.

4. Google Analytics

Adding Google Analytics to your app will help you improve the app incrementally with data and performance analysis. You can understand the audience, their characteristics, measure user actions, in-app payments, revenue, and customize your reports to that end. Google Analytics also provide data on app crashes, retention rates and daily active user data.

5. Seek expert testers

You might occasionally need to consult expert testers/app development gurus who have been there and done that. This extra initiative and investment can actually go a long way in building a quality app if you rope in your expert right at the start of the project to iron out any kinks at the concept level. You can liaise with freelance consultants or companies that specialize in such high-level advice and consultancy projects.

For App Store and Play Store success you not only need a bug-free application but also build cross-platform applications that give a great user experience across devices and OS.

You can benefit from professional Xamarin mobile development services to ship native iOS, Android and Windows apps. Do you have any other suggestions for making a high-quality mobile app? Please share your views in the comments section.

5 Ways 3D Printing Will Change the World

5 Ways 3D Printing Will Change the World

11:53 PM 0

3D printing has advanced at a remarkable rate in the past several years. Even though it was invented in the 1908s, the technology has just started becoming a revolutionary form of manufacturing. With its many uses and applications, it has the ability to be implemented in a variety of industries.

Thanks to the low prices and reliable technology, 3D printers are becoming common in small businesses, schools, and even homes. Engineers and scientists continue to expand the possibilities of the technology, developing new materials for printing objects that have a breathtaking potential to change the world. Here are five of the many ways 3D printing will influence the future.

1. Architecture

Construction using “ink” containing building materials such as steel and fiberglass as well as cement and recycled materials can revolutionize the way cities provide housing for the poor. Housing continues to challenge populations around the world as an increasing number of people cannot afford a place to live.

WinSun, a Chinese company, has found a way to use 3D printing technology to “print” affordable housing. The company first demonstrated its capabilities by printing a house in a single day for a cost of just $4,800. Since then, WinSun has printed a five-story apartment building as well as a villa. The company is expected to expand to twenty countries within the next several years, revolutionizing the way people think about construction as architects continue creating new designs.

2. Medicine

Eye-popping developments in the medical industry promise to make new treatments and devices available to you in the near future. Already, 3D printers create inexpensive prosthetics used to serve victims of war in some of the poorest areas of the globe.

Developing 3D technologies promise to deliver the capability of printing exact replacements for human body parts, including bone implants and limbs. Your dentist might soon have the ability to print crowns and replacement teeth on the spot, reducing the time required for dental procedures while improving their quality.

The news that 3D printing technology can save lives shouldn't surprise you. Researchers have already developed 3D printers that create living stem cells, giving them the ability to create tissue and organs that might soon transform the medical transplant industry.

3. Manufacturing

Printing 3D objects has turned the future of the manufacturing industry upside down. Companies can design products and bring them to market in record time using new modeling technologies.

Ove on the most beneficial advantages of 3D printing is the ability to produce customized items.  As a result, many small businesses now have the ability to create specialized products and customize them for individual consumers, opening new opportunities for marketing and sales.

You should expect to see increasingly sophisticated three-dimensional outputs in shapes and structures that you might have thought were impossible to create using printer technologies. Some analysts suggest that the world might enter a new age of industrialization that eliminates factories and assembly lines, replacing them with 3D printers located on customer premises. In such a world, companies might print goods including apparel and toys directly to shoppers’ 3D printers after receiving an online order.

4. Replacement Parts

Engineers have designed 3D printers that can produce parts for everything from airplanes to engines, extending the life of products that otherwise require replacement. If a part of your vacuum cleaner goes bad, for example, you might soon have the option to print out a new component rather than buying a new unit.

A website called Thingiverse already gives you access to more than two thousand replacement parts that you can download and print from your own 3D printer, right from the comfort of your own home. Spare parts for everything from wristwatches to vehicles are now available and give you a glimpse of what the future holds.

5. Cars

Companies have used 3D printers to create vehicle parts for a long time, but they now aim to print entire vehicles. Jim Kor, an inventor, and his engineering team have demonstrated the feasibility of printed vehicles by printing the Urbee 2. Although not ready for everyday use, the three-wheeled, two-passenger car suggests that you will soon think differently about driving. For example, manufacturers will eventually have the ability to create precise designs that introduce new levels of fuel efficiency as well as new lightweight materials that have incredible strength.

Wrapping It Up

3D printing technology will likely make our present world obsolete. New construction techniques promise to make buildings faster and less expensive to build while manufacturing will make mass product customizations possible. At the same time, the widespread availability of replacement parts will extend the life of machines and appliances while 3D printed organs will extend human lifespans. Practically every part of life will change as researchers develop new innovative ways to use 3D printing to improve everyday life.

Lisa Michaels